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Publication date: 12 October 2023. T. Kudryavtseva

October 12, 2023. On October 9, 2023, the Scientific Secretary of the GC RAS, Ph.D. R. I. Krasnoperov delivered a lecture «Introduction to Space Geophysics, Cosmonautics» for second-year master students of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Earth Crust Study of the Geological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the frameworks of the new education course «Satellite Geophysics».

The lecture was devoted to the main historical milestones in the exploration of the Earth and near-Earth outer space with the use of artificial satellites. Roman Igorevich briefly mentioned the first steps of world rocket science and the breakthrough made during the International Geophysical Year 1957–1958, when the first artificial Earth satellites had been launched in the USSR and then in the USA. The lecture considered the main historical and modern national and foreign satellite missions aimed at studying the physical fields of the Earth, its weather and climate, as well as solving navigation issues.

On November 6, 2023, R. I. Krasnoperov will give the second lecture on the basics of satellite remote sensing and mapping of the Earth, Moon and planets of the Solar System.