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Publication date: 28 December 2023. T. Kudryavtseva

December 28, 2023. On December 27, 2023, Director of the GC RAS Corr. RAS A. A. Soloviev summed up the results of the year.

The General Meeting of the GC RAS was held in the building of the Presidium of RAS.

D.Sc. N. A. Zaytseva delivered the welcoming speech on behalf of the Department of Earth Sciences.

Director of the GC RAS Corr. RAS A. A. Soloviev made a report «On the results of the activities of the GC RAS in 2023». He talked about the key events in the life of the Geophysical Center in 2023, achievements of its employees, and plans for 2024.

A. A. Soloviev solemnly presented the Medal of Peter Gubonin of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to Chief Scientist of the Geophysical Center of RAS Academician of RAS A. D. Gvishiani. Anatoly Alexandrovich also presented the badge «Young Scientist» of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to the Head of the Geophysical Monitoring Sector PhD D. V. Kudin.

At the end of the meeting, A. A. Soloviev wished everyone good health, well-being to their loved ones, creative success, inspiration, and new scientific victories.

D.Sc. N. A. Zaytseva.

Corr. RAS A. A. Soloviev.

Corr. RAS A. A. Soloviev presents the medal to Academician of RAS A. D. Gvishiani.

Corr. RAS A. A. Soloviev presents the badge to PhD D. V. Kudin.