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Publication date: 29 April 2016. Administrator

April 29, 2016. Geomagnetic Observatory "St. Petersburg" (international code-IAGA SPG) has become a part of INTERMAGNET. "St. Petersburg" became the tenth full-scale observatory of the Russian Federation. It carries out the registration of data on the Earth's magnetic field, of the highest international quality standard to date.

The development of the global INTERMAGNET network in Russia is carried out under the supervision of Academician Alexei Dzhermenovich Gvishiani Director of GC RAS. The observatory modernization was initiated in 2010. The work was carried out by the GC RAS Laboratory of geoinformatics and geomagnetic studies headed by Doctor of science, professor of RAS Anatoly Alexandrovich Soloviev. The operation and development of the observatory is provided jointly by GC RAS and the St. Petersburg branch of the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS (IZMIRAN). Thus the oldest series of magnetic field observations, started in St. Petersburg in 1834, were renewed.