Deputy Director for Science

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Viktor Tatarinov
Теl.: +7 495 930-05-46
Education: S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow Geological Survey Institute, specialty "geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration".
Positions: 1980–1993 – RI "VNIPIpromtekhnologii". Since 1993, the Geophysical Center RAS. Currently, a principal research scientist, the chief of the Laboratory of Geodynamics. Since 2004, a research scientist at the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS (part-time).
Scientific Interests: geodynamics, geo-ecology, sustainability of geological environment, geomechanics.
Research: Viktor Tatarinov began his scientific career in 1980 in "VNIPIpromtekhnologii", a sectoral research institute of the Ministry of Atomic Energy, dealing with the safety of underground mining of uranium deposits based on geomechanical and geophysical methods. In 1993, he defended his thesis. Since 1993, Viktor Tatarinov has worked at the Laboratory of Geodynamics at GC RAS.
Basic scientific research areas: development of methods for assessing and forecasting geodynamic stability of the geological environment at choosing locations of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. He studied modern geodynamic crustal movements with the use of global navigation satellite systems. During this time, geodynamic polygons at the Kalinin and Volgodonsk NPPs, radioactive waste storages of SIA "Radon", storages in the area of the Nizhnekanskiy granitoid massif, etc were organized.
In 2007, he defended his thesis on "Predicting the Stability of the Geological Environment in Site Selection and Operation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle" and received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.
He published 170 scientific papers, including 3 monographs and 17 results of intellectual activity, and worked on a series of regulations for Gosatomnadzor.
Viktor Tatarinov heads the Scientific Research Center "Geodynamics and Geoecology of the Subsurface: Modeling, Forecasting, and Monitoring", created by the GC RAS and the NUST MISIS College of Mining. Professor of the Department of Geology and Surveying at the NUST MISIS College of Mining (part-time).
A member of the Scientific Council of the GC RAS, the Scientific and Technical Council No. 10 "Radiation and Environmental Safety" of ROSATOM, an expert at RAS, RSF, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. A member of the section "Geodynamics, Space Navigation, Development of Frequency Standards" at the RAS Space Council.
A member of the editorial boards of the journals "Geoformations Research Papers", "Geophysical Processes and Biosphere", "Science and Technological Developments", and "The Russian Journal of Earth Sciences".