Molodezhnaya St. 3, 119296 Moscow, Tel.: +7 495 930-05-46, Fax: +7 495 930-05-06, E-mail:


Research Lines and Major Tasks of GC RAS:

  • study of geophysical fields and processes in various spheres of the Earth, including the hydrosphere, ionosphere, near-Earth space and solar-terrestrial relations;
  • develop new approaches to processing large volumes of complex geophysical data based on geographic information systems (GIS) technologies and methods of fuzzy logic and fuzzy mathematics;
  • carrying out magnetic observations and establish the Russian segment of INTERMAGNET;
  • establish five new INTERMAGNET observatories in Russia as joint observatories of GC RAS ​​and regional institutes;
  • carry out mobile magnetic observations;
  • develop a National INTERMAGNET Geomagnetic Information Node in GC RAS;
  • fundamental and applied research in geoinformatics, development of geological and geophysical applications of artificial intelligence methods and geoinformation systems;
  • establish a multilevel and multi-functional geographic information system on the territory of Russia and CIS;
  • providing information for research of DES RAS, maintenance of the Russian World Data Centers for Solid Earth Physics and Solar-Terrestrial Physics; establishment, maintenance and development of integral and distributed databases, Internet resources and knowledge bases in geophysics, geology, space physics and other Earth sciences;
  • study of modern crustal movements and simulation of the stress-strain state for the purposes of geoecology, geodynamics and natural risk assessment;
  • development of new methods of electronic publications.