February 7, 2019. Head of the laboratory of mathematical modeling of natural oil and gas systems of IPGG SB RAS Dr. V. V. Lapkovsky spoke about "Building Stratigraphic and Seismic Stratigraphic Models of Oil and Gas Complexes Based on Mathematical Optimization Methods" at a scientific seminar at the Belousov hall at Geophysical Center RAS.
Vladimir Valentinovich presented the method of automatic pop-layer, detailed correlation of sections and wells according to well logging data based on the calculation of optimal correlation comparisons between logs using paired and multidimensional measures of difference, preventing the occurrence of problems with areal correlations.
The author also developed a method for creating generalized geological and geophysical models, which allows analyzing the stable properties and individual characteristics of geological bodies and sedimentary complexes, predicting geological and geophysical sections, projected wells, and creating three-dimensional models of geological objects and geophysical distributions.