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Publication date: 13 November 2023. T. Kudryavtseva

November 13, 2023. On November 9, 2023, Scientific Secretary of the GC RAS PhD R. I. Krasnoperov delivered the second lecture «Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing and Mapping of the Earth, Moon, and Planets of the Solar System.» It was a part of the new course «Satellite Geophysics» for second-year master students of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Earth Crust Study of the Geological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The lecture was devoted to the basics of remote sensing of the Earth by spacecraft. R. I. Krasnoperov considered some technical aspects of satellite imagery in various spectral ranges. He outlined the range of scientific and practical tasks that could be solved using remote sensing data. The lecturer presented examples of the use of satellite data in geophysical research. He also highlighted the main stages in the exploration of the Moon and inner planets of the Solar System (the Mercury, Venus, and Mars) by automatic interplanetary stations, space capsules, and rovers. R. I. Krasnoperov presented current research missions to study the planets of the Solar System.

Scientific Secretary of the GC RAS PhD R. I. Krasnoperov.