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Publication date: 7 February 2024. T. Kudryavtseva

February 7, 2024. The scientific director, a principal research scientist, and the director of the GC RAS were awarded high awards for their great contribution to the development of Russian science, many years of fruitful activity, and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Scientific Director of the GC RAS Academician of RAS Alexey Gvishiani was awarded the Order of Honor.

Principal Research Scientist Academician of RAS Igor Sheremet was awarded the Medal of the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» 1nd grade.

Director of the GC RAS Corresponding Member of RAS Anatoly Soloviev was awarded the Medal of the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» 2nd grade.

The staff of the GC RAS congratulates Alexey Jermenovich, Igor Anatolyevich, and Anatoly Alexandrovich on the recognition of their merits to national science and wishes them further success!

The Order of Honor.

The Medal of the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» 1st grade.

The Medal of the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» 2nd grade.