February 27, 2024. On February 7-9 and February 15-16, 2024, employees of the Geophysical Center of RAS made two expeditions to Kaluga Oblast.
The participants were Head of the Geophysical Monitoring Sector PhD Dmitry Kudin, Leading Research Scientist PhD Roman Sidorov, Junior Research Scientist Vladimir Sergeev, and leading engineers Viktor Dyakov and Andrey Grudnev.
The purpose of the expeditions was to conduct magnetometric studies of building structures designed for modern magnetic observatories. Such design solutions can serve as a prototype for further mass production and installation on new magnetic observatories. During the research, valuable data were obtained. They will help to achieve the highest magnetic purity of constructions.
Magnetometric studies will be continued during subsequent trips in late February and early March.

Leading Research Scientist PhD Roman Sidorov, Leading Engineer Andrey Grudnev, and Junior Research Scientist Vladimir Sergeev.