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Publication date: 18 July 2024. T. Kudryavtseva

July 18, 2024. Research Scientist Alexander Manevich, Junior Research Scientist PhD Dastan Akmatov, and Engineer Georgy Gvozdik are taking part in the II All-Russian Conference "Dobretsov Readings: Science First Hand" and the XX All-Russian Conference "Geodynamics. Geomechanics and Geophysics".

On July 18–19, the conferences will be held at the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of RAS and the V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of RAS in Novosibirsk. From July 21 to 24, discussions will continue at the Denisova Cave (Altai). The conferences are attended by scientists from Novosibirsk, Moscow, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, and other cities.

Dastan Akmatov and Alexander Manevich. Photo credit by IPGG SB RAS.