February 12, 2016 Geophysical Center joined the series of events, called "Open Laboratory", organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences. More than 40 scientific laboratories from different regions of Russia opened their doors for a wide audience to tell about the life of research institutes, their achievements and latest developments. The main objective was to popularize scientific investigations and discoveries and attract more young people to science. This initiative is dedicated to the Day of Russian science, annually celebrated by the Russian scientific community on 8 February.
The events of "Open Laboratory" will take place all over Russia. The Sector of Innovation Projects also joined this initiative and invited the Moscow school students to visit the Geophysical Center. During the welcoming excursion the students learned about the Center’s activity and about the unique innovative hardware-software system with a spherical screen, intended primarily for interactive data visualization. The students could see the processes, taking place on Earth in real time and see how other planets of the Solar system look like from space.