April 24, 2019. Dmitry V. Kudin, junior researcher at the Geoinformatics and Geomagnetic Research Laboratory of GC RAS, defended his thesis “Improving the performance of logic circuits by detecting false paths and synthesizing circuits in which each path is detectable”, at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Tomsk State University.
The work was carried out jointly at the GC RAS and the Gorno-Altai State University under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sc. Angela Yurevna Matrosova. The dissertation council made a unanimous decision to award D. V. Kudin the degree of candidate of technical sciences (PhD) in the specialty 05.13.01. System analysis, management and information processing (in computer science, computer engineering and automation).
We sincerely congratulate Dmitry Vladimirovich on this significant event and wish him further success!