September 17-18, 2019. In Beijing, the Chinese national CODATA committee held an international workshop "Open Research Data Policy and Practice". The workshop was chaired by an outstanding Chinese scientist in the study of Earth from space, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a foreign member of RAS, Professor Huadong Guo.
The co-organizer of the workshop, CODATA, sent a representative delegation of scientists from the USA, Great Britain, France, Holland, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Morocco and other countries to Beijing.
The workshop discussed the problems of management and analysis of Big Data, the new concept of FAIR DATA for “accessible interoperable data”, theoretical and applied aspects of system analysis as new mathematics of the 21st century, and regional issues. Chinese scientists presented an impressive project to create, in the coming years, a Chinese scientific cloud. Today, such "clouds" are already operating in the United States, Canada, the European Union and Japan.
The participants made significant conclusions about the direction of the development of scientific policy of the 21st century as a consequence of the development of the principles of system analysis of Big data. The workshop aroused keen interest in the Chinese scientific community and it was widely covered in the media. The workshop was attended by representatives of the National Russian Committee of CODATA: Academician A.D. Gvishiani, Chief Scientist of GC RAS and Vice President of CODATA, Deputy Director for Development of GC RAS A.I. Rybkina.
In the photo from the left to the right: Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a foreign member of RAS, Professor Huadong Guo (China), Academician Alexey Gvishiani (Russia), Professor Shūichi Iwata (Japan).