April 6, 2020. An interactive video presentation was published by Director of GC RAS Corresponding Member of RAS Anatoly Soloviev on the topic "Mathematical methods for processing the streams of ground-based and satellite-based geomagnetic measurements to expand knowledge about the Earth's magnetic field." It is based on the materials of the report presented by A. Soloviev at the session of the Scientific Council on Problems of Geochemistry of the Earth Sciences Branch of RAS on September 19, 2019. The presentation is available on the website of ESB RAS Newsletters in the "Video Presentations" section in two formats – an interactive version (https://onznews.wdcb.ru/scipresonline/onpres2001/) and a video version in YouTube (https://youtu.be/tUwhnDXsGyo).
The presentation summarizes the latest results in the field of creating new mathematical methods for processing the data streams about the Earth's magnetic field coming to GC RAS, which were obtained by the laboratory of geoinformatics and geomagnetic research. The data sources are ground-based magnetic observatories and artificial Earth satellites that measure the parameters of the Earth's magnetic field. The report outlines the most modern ideas about the structure of the Earth's magnetic field, provides mathematical and physical models of geodynamo, as well as the results of geophysical studies obtained at GC RAS.
The presentation is written in HTML5 and is controlled by a JavaScript program developed at GC RAS for this class of presentations (certificate of Rospatent No. 2018613180). The original release includes a number of additional explanations and software enhancements to support dynamic slides. A video presentation DOI is https://doi.org/10.2205/2020ISR012