May 18, 2021.
GC RAS annually participates in the Festival. It is one of the key events included in the plan for the Year of Science and Technology.
The forum was traditionally organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation with the support of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
More than 300 representatives of universities, academic institutions, and regional administrations of the Russian Federation took part in the forum. Anastasia Alexandrovna Odintsova and Dmitry Nikolaevich Uvarov took part in the forum on behalf of GC RAS.
The Forum provided an excellent communication platform for the exchange of interregional experiences. During the expert sessions, a professional discussion took place on the topical agenda of scientific communication and new formats for popularizing science. The forum participants shared their experience of successful practices of regional projects aimed at popularizing science, presented and discussed the possibilities of scaling them across the entire country.
The experts discussed new events within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation in 2021 and presented a program for organizing popular science events aimed at popularizing scientific knowledge among young people. The aim of this program is to increase the overall prestige of scientific activity in Russia.