February 14, 2024. A scientific seminar of the GC RAS was held on February 14, 2024. There was presented the report «BOD Software in Application to Geomagnetic Data» by Scientific Director of the GC RAS Academician of RAS Alexey Gvishiani, Head of the Geophysical Monitoring Department PhD Dmitry Kudin, Senior research scientist of the GC RAS PhD Izabella Nikitina, Engineer at the Geophysical Monitoring Department of the GC RAS Ivan Belov, and IT Consultant Mikhail Korolev.
The classical approaches to processing large volumes of geophysical data are being replaced by new methods based on the theory and practice of Big Data. An example of such techniques is massively parallel processing databases (MPP Databases).
The report presented results of a pilot project for creating a cluster for storing and processing terrestrial geomagnetic data based on the distributed analytical database Arenadata DB. The speakers described the process of installing, downloading, and partitioning data, analyzing the speed characteristics of queries. During the seminar, queries from the data pool of the pilot cluster were demonstrated.