March 24, 2016. Deputy Director for Science, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Soloviev took part in a meeting with Ingrid Verstraeten, Head of the US Geological Survey department for international programs with the countries of Eurasia and the members of the Arctic region, that took place at the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Other representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including: Geophysical Survey of RAS, Institute of Water Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences Department of Earth Sciences and the RAS Foreign Relations department attended the meeting. Representatives of the US Embassy in Russia and the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education also participated in the meeting.
The key topics of discussion were a draft agreement between the United States Geological Survey and the Russian Academy of Sciences and the development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of natural sources and natural hazards in the framework of a memorandum of understanding between the Russian Federation and the United States.
A separate issue of discussion was an agreement on scientific cooperation in the field of geomagnetic research between the United States Geological Survey and the Russian Academy of Sciences represented by GC RAS. The US side expressed its interest in organizing the exchange of geomagnetic observations in real time. This issue is becoming increasingly important due to the deployment of a new geomagnetic observatory of INTERMAGNET on the Yamal Peninsula with the participation of GC RAS and USGS.