October 11, 2016. A scientific seminar took place in the V.V. Belousov Conference Hall to discuss the results of studies of the noise component in the time series of GNSS due to seismic activity.
Authors and topics of presentations:
P. V. Yakovlev, "An analysis of spatial and temporal features of GPS time series to highlight areas of intense movements of the Earth's crust";
A. A. Lyubushin, "Prognostic properties of random fluctuations of the GPS signals in Japan. Data analysis before the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and in 2015-2016".
Abstract: Analysis of the spatial and temporal features of GPS time series to highlight areas of intense crustal movements (PDF);
Analysis of the GPS data in Japan for the observation period from 30 January 2011 to 26 March 2011 (PDF).

GPS stations network of the Japanese islands. Red star marks the location of the Tohoku earthquake epicenter.