July 31, 2018. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Igor A. Abrikosov (NITU "MISiS", Russia/Linköping University, Sweden) visited GC RAS.
Igor Anatolyevich is a world-renowned expert in the field of condensed state physics and quantum technologies. Within the framework of the visit to GC RAS I. A. Abrikosov made a presentation at a seminar organized on this occasion. In his report, Igor Anatolyevich told about the fundamental principles of his research, presented a range of tasks to be solved and reported on the main stages of their solution.
On the part of GC RAS, the seminar was attended by: Director of GC RAS, Academician A. D. Gvishiani, Academic Secretary of GC RAS R. I. Krasnoperov, Head of the Laboratory of Geodynamics V. N. Tatarinov, Head of the Laboratory of Electronic Publications E. O. Kedrov, Head of the Laboratory of Geophysical Data B. A. Dzeboev, Head of the Laboratory of Innovative Projects A. A. Odintsova, senior research fellow of the Laboratory of Geoinformatics and Geomagnetic Research D. V. Peregudov. V. N. Tatarinov made a presentation on geodynamic studies for the choice of burial sites for highly radioactive waste, A. A. Odintsova presented a database of the largest hydrocarbon fields in Russia and the world on a spherical demonstration screen, R. I. Krasnoperov spoke about the system for monitoring the geomagnetic activity of MAGNUS and on the development of geomagnetic observations in Russia.