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Publication date: 21 September 2020. E. Kedrov

September 21, 2020. Springer Nature Switzerland AG has published a book "Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in the Interpretation of Geomagnetic Data" by Chief Scientist of GC RAS, Academician A. D. Gvishiani and Director of GC RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS A. A. Soloviev.

The geomagnetic field penetrates all layers of the Earth's solid shell, hydrosphere and atmosphere, spreading into space. The Earth's magnetic field plays a key role in basic natural processes. Variations of the geomagnetic field in time and space provide important information about the state of the solid Earth, as well as solar-terrestrial connections, space weather. The book presents a complex of fundamental and at the same time topical scientific problems of modern geomagnetic research, and also describes the authors’ developments. The new technique presented in the book can be applied far beyond the geosciences. Requirements for the corresponding data models are formulated. The conducted experimental research is combined with the development and implementation of new methods of mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence, systems analysis and data science to solve fundamental problems of geomagnetism. At the same time, the formalism in describing big data and their application to earth sciences is presented as an integral part of systems analysis. The book is intended for researchers, teachers, students, graduate students and engineers working in the field of geomagnetism and earth sciences in general, as well as in other relevant scientific disciplines.

Link to edition "Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation"